Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

#2 Eating Solids and Summer Catch Up

We've been busy around here this summer! We had a great 4th of July hanging at the house and then leaving the girls with a sitter for the evening and taking Mike's boat out with Mike, my mom and brother.
 Mary Tucker has officially started eating solids. She started with rice cereal...

 ...then went to applesauce and is currently on sweet peas. It took 2 days of her refusing the peas before she gobbled up the entire bowl. She likes it now. That's what I though, girlfriend!

She's still an excellent little breastfeeding partner and can knock a feeding out in 5 minutes. I'm actually learning how to do this because at this point with Stella, we were weaning her and transitioning her to formula/bottle. Stella's last day to nurse was the evening before her 7 month birthday and MT will be 7 months in less than 2 weeks. I will say that nursing descretly has become a tad difficult because Mary Tucker is ALL over the place with her arms and legs. It's quite entertaining to watch, I'm sure.

Stella is a sasafrass (as always) and is wrapping up her first set of Water Babies swim lessons. She is no longer afraid of the water and washing her hair in the bathtub is a breeze. Thanks for the fun lessons, Mrs. Beth!